Shanwen Sun: Projects

Completed Projects

  • Variation of plant drought tolerance in grasslands: effects on community assembly and ecosystem resilience (DFG, BETol)

    Under conditions of climate change, water availability in temperate grasslands is projected to decrease, and extreme events – including droughts - to increase. A thorough understanding of species responses to drought, of the traits governing drought responses, and how they affect community assembly and ecosystem function is necessary for projections of consequences of climate change for the future. In this study, we comparatively assess whole-plant drought tolerance of 38 grassland species, and identify the key traits for differential drought responses, through directly linking physiological, anatomical and morphological traits that influence species water relations to the species’ drought tolerance.

    A project within the Biodiversity Exploratories, DFG Priority Programme 1374.


Upcoming ...

BayCEER Colloquium:
Th. 2024-06-06
Tracking plant diversity dynamics on islands over thousands of years
Mo. 2024-06-10
Arsenic biogeochemistry from paddy soil to rice grain
Ecological-Botanical Garden:
Su. 2024-05-19
Führung | "Den ÖBG Kennenlernen: Allgemeine Gartenführung"
We. 2024-05-29
Führung | "Grüne Apotheke: Heilpflanzen"
Inaugural Lecture:
We. 2024-05-22
Funktionelle Pilzökologie: Diversität und Prozesse auf unterschiedlichen Skalen
Weather research site
Luftdruck (356m): 966.7 hPa
Lufttemperatur: 12.3 °C
Niederschlag: 0.6 mm/24h
Sonnenschein: <1 h/d

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