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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Department of Mycology: Prof. em. Dr. Gerhard Rambold

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Fabienne Flessa: Courses taught

WS 2009/2010
20630 / 20631 Lecture/Exercise course: A I 11: Biodiversität und Organismische Interaktionen: Mycobionta (MSc ME)
2010-01-07-2010-01-15 (several days)
>> Details
Gerhard Rambold, Marc Stadler, Fabienne Flessa
20820 / 20821 Lecture/Exercise course: Modul P3 Biodiversität III: Interaktionen mit Pilzen (M. Sc. Biodiversity and Ecology)
2010-01-07-2010-01-15 (several days)
>> Details
Gerhard Rambold, Marc Stadler, Fabienne Flessa
WS 2008/2009
20215 / 20216 Lecture/Exercise course: A I 11: Biodiversität und Organismische Interaktionen: Mycobionta (MSc ME)

>> Details
Gerhard Rambold, Marc Stadler, Fabienne Flessa
20310 / 20311 Lecture/Exercise course: P3 Biodiversität III: Organismische Interaktionen mit Pilzen (MSc BE)
2009-01-07-2009-01-16 (several days), neuer Mikroskopiersaal
>> Details
Gerhard Rambold, Marc Stadler, Fabienne Flessa
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